Sunday, 1 January 2012

getting tweedy

I have just joined Twitter and am really enjoying it so far.  I am of course following LivingEtc and slowly building up my profile with celebs I like!!  You can find me there @the_grey_house

Now that the dining room is almost finished I am trying to find a suitable fabric for making curtains.  I have decided we definitely want a tartan of some description.  I want it to be wooly/tweed type fabric rather than cotton.  While browsing in John Lewis I came across the Moon range of fabrics.  I have since looked online and we have selected a few which I have ordered some samples of.  I want something quite quirky so are leaning towards the final fabric.  Of course remembering that the room is a dark olive green.

Beningborough - Graphite (Moon)

Sandringham - Mandarin

Longleat - Indigo (Moon)

I will reserve judgement until the samples arrive but fingers crossed one of these might be nice.


  1. My preference is the first one, but that would be me playing it safe!

  2. I know. I like the first one, it was my selection. The other two are a bit out there!! Will see what they are like when samples arrive. I have visions of the last one with an orange feature chair. But it could be gruesome when it arrives so will wait and see!!
